Sunday, November 29, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
God is good all the time and all the time God is good. We want to thank Rainbow PUSH for this very prestigious award.We are forever thankful and we are forever grateful for being recognized for using our God given abilities.
Now somewhere in this Trailblazer award there is an idea or a concept that simply by our existence there lies an opportunity for others. The idea that because one of us has achieved a goal, somehow their success will make it easier for the next person.
When we stop and analyze this core idea behind this award there is a sense of community. An idea that we all in it together. We are forever linked and forever connected to grow together as a people and as a nation. I don’t know about ya’ll, but it seems to me this is what our community is in need of the most. If you remember anything from this event or from today remember that it is not about me it is about we. We need more - PUSH... People United to Save Humanity.
Now no one and I mean no one blazing any trail or achieve any goal with others believe in them and their potential. So in this moment…
· I give thanks to the God in Heaven who does things in his good time.
No matter what… God is still on the throng and in control
· I give thanks to my beautiful wife, who has always loved me for who I am and not what I feel I should be. She handles the house and allows me to concentrate on my all-consuming job.
· To my wonderful daughter who I can see more potential then I ever had
· I give thanks and honor to my parents who have always wanted more for me then they had for themselves. I am a product of that effort.
· I thank my brother and sister in law who always say the right words to keep me focused and to them for the best ribs this side of the Mississippi.
· To my good friend Mike Boyd who is truly a brother from another mother. Who will listen to all my crazy ideas but he does not shoot them down but he joins in.
· And I thank the Ford Motor for the opportunity to work and to design cars for a diverse customer base. It is one thing to have the skill to design and a shape car for today and tomorrow but it is entirely another thing to get the chance. I sincerely thank the Blue Oval.
Now in conclusion, there are a lot things being said about the state of America and who we are and were we going. If we have lived up the dreams of past generations. My response to that is.
We may not be what we want or even what we should but thank God we are not what we were. The struggle continues. Thank you and God Bless.